Pornography Addiction

In theory, a porn addiction is when a person finds it difficult to stop viewing porn even when they wish to. The obsession progresses to the point where it interferes with daily activities including job, relationships, and other aspects of life. With online porn being so widely accessible nowadays, it is simple to understand how this could be a problem. PornHub, a well-known website, for instance, saw 42 billion views in 2019 — or 115 million each day.

Scientists are arguing whether frequent usage of pornography qualifies as an addiction in the medical sense of the word.  In 2018, the World Health Organization classified compulsive sexual conduct as a mental illness. It also mentions how obsessive sexual behavior can take over a person's life to the point where they disregard their "health and personal care or other interests, hobbies, and duties," even if it doesn't specifically mention a pornography (or any other) addiction. 

Whether or not it is an addiction, persons who routinely consume pornography experience strong sexual desires. When they're stressed, they watch porn. Additionally, they frequently experience difficulties at home and at work. Some specialists think there's a connection between frequent porn use and relationship dissatisfaction. There are many different definitions of how much porn is too much. However, the majority of specialists concur that you may be watching too much if it interferes with your daily duties. For example, if: 


  • Your life becomes centered around porn. You give up activities that you actually enjoy in order to get a better view of it.
  • You don't take care of yourself.
  • You start to lose interest in social interactions.
  • Your career or studies may be impacted.
There isn't a well-defined list of causes because porn addiction is debatable in the mental and medical communities. However, the reasons behind compulsive sexual behavior may hold some secrets. Some factors that may contribute to a porn addiction include:
  • A brain chemical imbalance. Your mood is controlled by chemicals like serotonin and norepinephrine. High levels are frequently associated with compulsive sexual activity, such as heavy porn consumption.
  • Brain pathway changes. If you do become hooked, it might alter how your brain's circuits function. You will need to repeatedly watch porn to experience the same amount of delight if you have an addiction.
  • Brain disease. The area of your brain that regulates sexual behavior can get damaged by diseases like epilepsy, dementia, and Parkinson's disease medication that uses dopamine.
Factors that could increase the likelihood of a porn addiction include:


  • Ease of access. The internet has made it easy to get porn.
  • Privacy. Private porn viewing is now more accessible than ever.
It's simple to resist the allure of porn. Never start the habit so you don't become dependent on it. We are aware that this is an ideal scenario, and that reality frequently diverges significantly from this. Even if you have the best of intentions, it is possible to encounter porn. It may occur if you accidentally click on an advertisement or if a bothersome pop-up unexpectedly appears while you are browsing the internet. Several strategies have the potential to be effective for numerous people, including:
  • Individual/Group Therapy: People will be able to connect with others in the community who are going through similar things thanks to this. A mental health care specialist will preside over the group.
  • Cognitive Based Therapy (CBT): For the purpose of the rehabilitation process, this will entail structured assignments and self-observation/critique activities.
Other forms of therapy include:
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy
  • Acceptance and Commitment therapy
  • Counseling
Being at the stage of acceptance for the patient and the family the addict is staying with is always encouraged in therapy, regardless of the type. In order to prevent the porn addict from being overcome with guilt and humiliation, family and friend support is crucial. 

We need to consider potential digital solutions to overcome our addiction to porn while we are taking care of our mental health. Installing a porn blocker is the easiest method to make sure this never occurs. Avoid letting pornography's negative impacts affect you. Installing BlockerX is a terrific way to make sure that you never have to be exposed to pornographic content, even accidentally. It is a quick, practical, and simple-to-use solution. Installing this application eliminates the main factor that makes porno more dangerous than illicit drugs: its accessibility. Porn is sometimes more accessible than ever before; it seems to be present on nearly every link you might visit.

We must safeguard ourselves against its negative effects in order to avoid all of the potentially harmful side effects that are associated with it, ensuring that we stay well and happy and can perform at our highest levels, enabling us to become the finest versions of ourselves.



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